September 22, 2014
Hello Dear Family,
Wow, the weeks just blur together and I have such a hard time distinguishing between days. Every day is like a week but every week is like a day out here. I can't believe that three months has passed since I left on my mission! Seriously the time is ticking and I know that the remaining fifteen months is going to go fast.
Sister Tobler and Benson |
Well the fall has rolled in finally with the fog and the rain, and I have begun the season of cold. This country grows even more beautiful in the fall. I have busted out the tights finally and can't tell if I love it or hate it! So many layers of clothing ugh! It’s just brisk enough that you go through phases of hot and cold flashes, and have to remove or add clothing based on what is occurring at that moment haha!
This week was kind of emotionally draining; so up and down and all over the place. It is hard to not build up walls to protect yourself. Sometimes I worry I have just thrown up defenses because I would rather not feel and see everything the way that I normally would.
Wednesday was my first zone conference, and I am already looking forward to our next one. I got to see like four or five missionaries from my MTC group plus all of the other missionaries in our zone. There were about 6 sisters and like 24 elders haha. We also have a new senior couple serving in my branch, Elder and Sister Tueller and they are fantastic.
Our Amazing Investigator and Friend |
Friday was the day that I was seriously living for. On Friday morning we went over and helped Sister Kosanovich can apple sauce. I just love that woman; every time we go over there I just feel better. We went over in the morning and she just pulled out a huge box of apples. We finished those off fairly fast and were like okay... what now. Then she pulled out like 6 more bags of apples. I always struggle with cheese graders and peelers, they just don't get along with my hands. Needless to say my hands were savaged by the end, but we busted through those apples like none other. After peeling (we will send pics later of the huge peeled apple mountain) we helped cut and mix the apples. We only had enough time to can one batch, but sister K is great and let us take home two jars. She also fed us lunch. Twenty jars of apple sauce later, we are better friends than before! Yay! There is nothing better than the smell of the fall leaves and the smell of apples and cinnamon spices, seriously! Wonderful! Later that night we went over and another American family, the Law's, had us and our investigator Anna over for dinner. So Friday was pretty fantastic.
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Last Warm Days |
Sunday we went over to Anna's house to run through the baptismal questions. Umm yes, did you just read that correctly, we have a baptism this Saturday. My first one!!! Whoot. She actually starts chemotherapy this week though so we are super nervous she is going to be wiped out! Pray for her! I get my first baptism the day my brother gets married! It's going to be a good day for the Benson clan! Anna lives pretty far away out by the mission home, and when we were walking to her house from the bus we passed President Edgren and his son who is visiting with his family which was super cool. Later we got a text from President offering us a ride home after our meeting. So we ran from the bus stop where we were waiting all the way to the mission home . When we arrived President and Sister Edgren fed us amazing chocolate pie, sat us down and we got to chill with their super cute family, and then we got to go home. Man they are so amazing. It was just a really good way to end the week.
I guess nothing too exciting happened this week. I am sure a missed a million details in there! Our investigator pool is really dwindling right now, but we have some plans to really revamp referrals in the branch and hope to get some new people to teach soon. The language has really just left me baffled. I am pretty motivated with the language, but I am really just lacking direction right now. There is so much to learn that sometimes i just feel like I am going in circles. I have goals that do help direct studies, but really am missing the steps to get from point a to point b. Its pretty frustrating. Sometimes I wonder if I have even progressed since I got here! Ugh! Its been a bit crazy this week with studies, we haven't had time with a few things that popped up or when we do it is at a weird time of the day so that has been a bit frustrating! But I have hope that in time I will get it down. I still believe I can make a difference here, even if I can't speak the language quite yet.
I go on exchanges for the first time today! Its just with the Warsaw one B sisters, but guess what that means!!!! I will be with Sister Moncur who is from Idaho Falls. I actually met her grandmother at Deseret book once but never thought I would serve with her. She and I are already good friends so I am excited. She will be coming to my area and Sister Tobler will be going to hers, its going to be weird handling most things because this is my area. I really wish I could speak the language right about now!
Fall is Upon Us |
It sounds like the family is doing well and is in the final push for wedding planning. I am so excited for you all and really hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend full of joy and excitement. I am very excited to have a baptism this Saturday and am grateful for the example that Anna is to me. She is seriously one of the most Godlike people I have ever met in my life. She truly makes me want to be better. I am grateful every day for the chance to be on a mission. I am learning so much from studying, and teaching, and listening, and watching the people all around me. It is amazing how much your eyes are opened, how much you gain a desire to change your life. Family is so important, and even from this side of the world over here I am celebrating with you all and will be with you in spirit. My baptism will be at about 5 o' clock pm polish time, so like 8 or 9 am your time. Right about when Drew and Chelsea are tying the knot! I love you all so very much and hope that all of your hard work this week will pay off! Lots and Lots of love! Sister Benson
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