August 3, 2015
So... let's see, what did we do this last week. Well the beginning of the week was kind of uneventful. Monday Zosia taught us all how how to make Gołąbki! Basically Gołąbki is meat and some kind of rice or grain rolled up in a GIANT cabbage leaf and then boiled in a tomatoe type sauce. They tasted really really good until I ate the second giant one which pushed me over the edge. Zosia also made us sample the raw meat, ugh, dziwny! Basically they are comparable to cabbage rolls.

On Thursday we proselyted then got to meet the family of a previous missionary who showed up. It was really really nice to spend some time talking with them. We ended up running into his mom and sister later and we walked with them part of the way home! That is where that picture came from. Super nice family! It reminds me of the fact that I really want to come back and visit Poland with my family. I think you would love it! Sometimes I will just walk around or see things that mentally I am like, Oooh mom would have loved that. Or the girlies would have really enjoyed this! Who knows maybe in the future!
Friday we headed into Warsaw for zone conference, which was a spiritual feast as usual! Not only do you get spiritual upliftment, but also you get to see you mission family. Two of my favorite things combined into one! We practiced a lot of different ways to improve contacting techniques and did a ton of practicing in groups. One of the strangest things was saying goodbye to a whole set of some of my favorite missionaries. It is weird to grow old (missionary wise) and watch all of your hero's die and move on. I guess it is time to start leaving my own legacy!

Saturday we hosted a mini MTC for our members. We discussed with them why members are important in missionary work, then we role played with them a couple of lessons. It was hilarious because we did a good example role play, and then a really terrible one. We took a couple of problems that we have had with members on lessons and implemented into the how to not do a member lesson. In the role play the "member" totally took over the missionary discussion and started bashing on other religions, then interrupted like five times and went on crazy twenty minute rants while bringing up deep doctrine in the very first lesson. We only had about five members show up but they thought it was hilarious and learned a lot. After the role plays we did a Book of Mormon challenge where each member wrote their testimony in it and are supposed to give it out in the coming week. Our branch president enjoyed it so much that he asked us to present it again in the Sunday school lesson during church because more members would be there. This coming week we are going to be trying to follow up with as many members as possible!

While on the way home from work on Saturday we stopped in our apartment building's garage to drop off our trash. On the way back up to our apartment my comp was like huh weird, that garage is open. I looked over and found out the only garage gaping open was our own. Since we are living in the senior couple’s apartment we have several perks, one of those being that we have a huge personal garage down in the main parking garage with a storage room. We never use it though because we don't have a car. Thus it was really weird that it was open seeing as obviously I haven't opened it since we explored it about two months. So we ran upstairs to grab the remote control and garage keys. Came down and tried the control and yes indeed it was our garage. We went inside and into the storage room and saw that some smaller boxes had been taken off of the shelves. We also got our good friend the front door man to come check it out with us. He told us that the garage door has been open for at least TWO WEEKS now! I was so embarrassed. He said that he was wondering whose garage it was! We never go down there because we don't have a car, hence the reason it has been open for that long and we didn't know. When we closed it up to secure it we found that it looked like the main lock had been broken into manually. I am just glad they didn't break into our apartment and another blessing is that nothing valuable was stored down there. Everything was up in the apartment. President just laughed about it when I told him they might have stolen the Christmas decorations, but hopefully we get that lock fixed in the coming weeks.
I really love you all so much. This week I am going to try to work hard and focus. As the Benson/Dance family always says "hoe to the end of the row". At the beginning of my mission I never thought I would see you guys again, that my mission would last forever. Now here I am coming up on my last four months and I want to go hard to the finish. Let's hope and pray that I can do so! I think that what you all said is so true. If I can focus here God will take care of the rest! Have a good week!
Siostra Benson
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