August 31, 2015
Cześć Wam,

We had an interesting first week back here in Warsaw II, but alas we are finally getting the ball rolling. Somehow, regardless of the delays we were actually able to work with some people and teach a lot of lessons. We even met some amazing potentials. My new comp is really great. Sister Carlson is from American Fork, Utah. I love her work ethic, and I think we are going to have a great transfer! Let me just share with you one of our interesting miracles of the week. We had about an hour of time left on Friday evening and we were trying to street teach to finish the night strong. Well it was getting dark and no one really wanted to stop and talk on darkened streets to the two smiling girls in skirts haha. Thus we decided we needed to change tactics, we then tried to tract a few doors but that didn't feel right either. So I turned to my companion and said that my stupor of thought was evidence we needed to be doing something else. Sister Carlson turned to me and said... "We need to go to Empik." Empik is like bookstore thing here like Barns and Noble. Obviously later in the evening it was a strange idea. Regardless that it was a strange idea I was like, heck okay, I am not going to ignore a spiritual prompting. So we walked over to the tramwaj platform to take a tram to Empik. Then I saw her, this adorable girl that I knew we needed to talk to. Immediately the words came to mind that I needed to say. We got in a nice conversation and she happened to be taking the same tram as us. Her name was Angela, and she was soooo awesome. We didn't even have to introduce the Book of Mormon, she asked what it was herself. We hope that something can result from this super cool miracle. God is real!
The area and branch has changed a lot since I have been here. We have a couple of new families from Ukraine and the States which is wonderful. Well love you all. Life is what you make of it, we are objects to act, not be acted upon. Make an effort this week to remember the Lord and the gospel in all that you do. We have to stand by what we believe and live it in everything that we do!
Z Bogiem,
Siostra Benson
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