The past week was pretty good. We have had a bunch of random things going on lately so our schedule has been all over the place. Some of my favorite parts of this week have been working with some really amazing people.
We had kind of a psycho weekend, spent yesterday in the mission home, finally got to see some good old general conference the Sunday afternoon session. General conference was really wonderful this year. Every single talk resonated with spirit and meaning. This week I also have a greater appreciation for my companion. Sister Carlson has been a wonderful companion this transfer and she has been such a huge support to me!
For some reason when we started this transfer I felt like it was going to be a challenge. And thus far it has been, but I have also seen the growth. My friend Julia emailed me this week about an analogy with watercolor. We had been emailing recently about the lessons that our trials teach us. She said, " It was in watercolor class. I finished a painting but I wasn't a huge fan of it- it really didn't look that great, and it was of the temple so I was rather disappointed! When my teacher looked at it, he said, "it looks like you're hesitant to go in with darker values." I experienced first hand that a painting does not look whole, complete, or perfected, without some serious contrasts (light AND dark shades) in the overall painting. Long story short, I just understood so clearly that sometimes there are dark shades or times in our lives, and it may seem unfavorable or unfair. But those very experiences are what makes the painting complete, balanced, and beautiful in the end!! And no matter what you are doing in a painting, you always keep elements of design such as lines, color, shapes, in tact. Just as no matter what we are experiencing in our lives, we must always keep consistent principles such as faith, scripture study, prayer, temple attendance etc. in our lives." I would say that this is a wonderful depiction of learning from the different shades in our life!
Well gotta run, love you all!
Siostra Benson
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