March 9, 2015
Hey Family,

Thank you all for your emails this week, they uplift me like nothing else. Sister Bąk has been sick this week, so we are still kinda limping along. The Lord has been providing the little miracles along the way though and I am really really excited for this upcoming week. Tomorrow we get to head into Warsaw for the Sisters Conference at the mission home. We have spent so many hours planning it on the phone. I hope it goes well. I am going to try to sneak an earlier train time so that I can stop by and see Kaja.
So we had that dinner appointment this week with our family that we got through the online referral. We were so excited for it all week. Lets just say that it was pretty much a disaster haha. Dinner itself actually went surprisingly well. Somehow Sister Bąk and I were able to have an entire dinner conversation all in Pollish, but after dinner the second the religious thought got brought up it got weird and we decided to leave. This world can be full of so much good, but so much evil. Being a missionary doesn't protect you from that. The gospel truly is a protection in our lives. Heavenly Father knows so much better than we do, He sees the whole picture. We have to trust in Him and follow His guidelines in this life. People mock that, and try to pretend it doesn't apply to them, but it always does. Holding onto the rod is key, letting go is not freedom. I am so grateful for what my mission teaches me every week. Through good and bad, I love my time here in Poland.

Watching the little triumphs and successes in the branch and area here is wonderful. I made some new friends this week that helped me get a little bit more love for this new situation. People really are not perfect, but God is. The gospel can really bring people together. I am forever grateful for my earthly family and friends. This week I found myself thinking a lot about my friends and family and the future. If nothing else, this mission has taught me to appreciate you so much more. I love this mission. It is so hard and sometimes I wish I was home with my family. But I would choose any day to be right here where I am right now. I love you all so much and hope that you know I pray for each of you every single day. You are my world. I know that this church is true!
Have a beautiful week, hopefully the spring is bursting forth. The weather is still bipolar here. We are off to the beach, whoot my first glimpse at the sea. P-day beckons, peace!
Siostra Ellie Benson
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