October 20, 2014
Hello Family,
The people who accept the gospel are so courageous. They have to
make so many changes in their life, surrounded by a culture where church
standards are definitely not normal, yet they do it all because they have faith
and a desire. It is amazing to see that the Lord has prepared people even over
here in Poland who are so ready for the word. We also have another cool
investigator named Kaja who is so smart and great. She made us Persian food
this week which was definitely different. She has so many questions it has
really pushed Sister Tobler and I to study harder and better than ever.
Sister Tobler and I are busy planning meetings and activities left
and right. We are planning and Halloween party for this Thursday for the Warsaw
YSA's. There will be dinner, pumpkin carving, and caramel apple dipping. The
older generations here really don't like Halloween here because it is a silly
American Holiday, but the younger ones are more open. We shall have to see how
that one goes. After that we are in charge of planning the huge open house at
the Wolska chapel in Warsaw I. Instead of Halloween here, everyone celebrates
Day of the Dead on Nov. 1. Everyone goes out and visits the graves of loved
ones, which is cool because it is probably one of the only day's a year that
Poland really focuses on families. The Wolska chapel is situated between two
graveyards so it is a great opportunity to find some new investigators. So it
is about to get a bit crazy, but I am excited, that is just the way I like it!
Through the help of the Lord and the atonement we can make the
changes in our life that will make us better. It doesn't mean that it is easy,
but hey, I really want to change and become better on this mission. Why not try
to become the best I can. The Lord really is in the details of our lives. I
know He is there and always listening. He has blessed me so much and so it is
my privilege to be able to come to Poland and serve Him for such a short amount
of time. I know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God, and that the restored
church really is true. The atonement and repentance are real and available to
all of God's children. Living by the commandments and principles given to us by
God through revelation truly does bring the most lasting and satisfying
happiness to our lives. Seriously though this church really does just make
sense, and I feel blessed every day to be a member of this church and to have
the knowledge I do. I am a Mormon. I am an Adventurer. I am a student. I am a
Sister Missionary. I am a Benson. And I am a Daughter of God. And this brings
me joy! Have a great week everyone!
Love Sister Benson
Love Sister Benson
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