31, 2014
Dear Family,
Only about 18 days until I am
getting on a jet plane and flying over to Europe to be an actual missionary.
Wow, I don't think that one has set in yet. I am pretty nervous. Actually the
time is going really really slow right now and I am confident that we have been
stuck here at the MTC for like half of the millennium. But the mission is
great. I used to think that I chose the mission life, in reality the mission
had me picked long before I knew, and God was good enough to decide to let me
have this blessing.
-What is my Def of mish
work? Trying as hard as you can every single day to work hard hand in hand with
God's will to bring others the same happiness that the gospel means to
- How has my Definition
of mish work changed from before my mission- I seriously was not sure what to
think of mish work before. Missionary work was just that... work. But it means
so much more to be out here actually serving God. I don’t think I have learned
more about myself more in my entire life than I have in the past two months,
and through that learning what it means to become more like Christ. I knew God
before my mission, I knew the church, but now I ask myself... Did I truly know?
Because through this I am starting to really see Christ and my imperfections
and what I need to develop to become more like Him. It is so important and an
essential time in my life.
Sister Kelsey Brown from my Home Ward |
-What is the most important
aspect of mish work? Definitely a combo of things, but love is the top notch
thing. and not just half hearted human mediocre love. I am talking all
consuming, pure, filling, Christlike love that allows you to see God's children
in a new light the way that He does. And through that love learn how to see
everyone's full potential, and to forgive wholeheartedly, and to serve whole
heartedly, and to just live life the best we can because life is a gift and we
just need to learn to love it the best we can.
Love Siostra Benson
Love Siostra Benson
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