30, 2015
I cannot believe that it has been a week since last P-day, it feels like it has
been four haha! So here is a quick update on what happened this week...

Tuesday we rode into Bydgoszcz and to practice our music for zone conference
and stay the night. Then on Wednesday morning we woke up very early and hopped
the train to Warsaw for zone conference. Every single time I enter back into
that city is one of the happiest moments ever. My heart just seems to soar when
the city outline finally comes into view with Stalin's tower at the peak. Who
would have ever guessed I would like the big city.
Even better was the amazing Zone conference we had. It was so good to see
so many missionaries gathered together in one single location. Looking back I
cannot even tell you half of what was said but I still remember the powerful spirit
I felt. Everything was just what I needed, and the testimony at the end was a
beautiful way to finish it off.
Sunday my friend from Warsaw, Molly, came up to visit me. She joined us for
church and then dinner at the senior couples house! Then we bargained with her
in Amber Alley this morning. She leaves back to America within the month. I
would definitely have to say that I have met some of my closest friends on this

look back at the past 9 months of my mission and wonder if I have even changed
significantly at all. Then I look at this current transfer and it has been none
of the butterflies and sunshine that I was hoping for at all, but I have come
to realize that the small things in life that I took for granted before now
mean so much to me. My life has truly been truly blessed. We are all so
blessed. My childhood is above price to me. My relationship with God is still
progressing slowly step by step, but it is above price to me. Mom said this
week, "where much is given, much is required". We have all been given
so much. I am going to try to remember how much I have been given this week and
try to give more of myself to the Lord and to others.
Sister Benson
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