April 7, 2015
Hey Family,
Eggstraordinary Sisters Bak and Benson |
Zone Conference |
Guess what! On Sunday we actually got to watch General Conference. We were told last week that we probably wouldn't get to watch it, and if we did there would only be maybe one session translated into Polish. We watched the Saturday sessions and Sunday morning session throughout all of Sunday. Our branch was able to get the Saturday morning session translated and playing in Polish while we watched it in English in a different room. Then we took a break and had a big brunch. There was even ham! Sister Bąk and I made mom's homemade chicken noodle soup which was a hit! General Conference was so wonderful. What a blessing it is to have the chance to have modern prophet's, seer's, and revelator's speak and encourage us. Everything they spoke about was so relevant and perfect for what the saints of these times are dealing with. I also had several of my concerns and questions answered through various speakers in conference. Honestly I felt like President Monson and Elder's Bednar, Holland, Christoffersen and so many others were speaking directly to me. My commitment for myself and for all of you is to now take what we have learned and apply it. There will be no increase of blessings or benefit in our lives unless we act on what we have been inspired to do. This conference also had helped me have a greater love, respect, and belief in the men who are called to lead this church. They are truly from our loving Heavenly Father. I am already looking forward to the next sessions haha.
Yesterday was śmingus dingus day or the day of water fights. Essentially men have permission to dump or spray women with water. It was chilly yesterday as well, so it is a good thing that Sister Bąk and I survived without incident. Anyways, I love you all and am so grateful for your influence in my life! All of your emails, prayers, and love are what lift me and help me carry on. I am grateful for this mission, no matter how many times I say that, It is so true. I know that Jesus Christ is risen and that He lives. Last week I was thinking to myself, Sister Benson do you even know the master whom you serve? It is so important that each of us is actively engaged in making sure we are seeking after God and the Savior every single day. It is going to be my pursuit of a lifetime, but I promise that all efforts are worth it. That relationship we share with the Father will bless and strengthen our families, give us a greater sense of direction, bring us peace in times of trial and struggle, and happiness throughout the eternities. Let us all open our eyes and truly see. This life is more than it seems to be, it leads to so much more, and I don't want to waste a second of it!
Sister Benson and Elder Wright from same ward at BYU |
Siostra Benson
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