April 20, 2015
Hey Everyone,
Solidarność Museum |
Last Monday we went and visted the European Solidarność museum, or in other words the Solidarity museum. European Solidarity actually started right here in Gdańsk Poland! The museum was really amazing and it also really opened my eyes to even more struggles that the people here have faced. I think I understand a little bit more now why the culture is the way it is!
My Dear Friend Kaja |
This was probably my favorite week of the transfer! I was thrilled to go on exchanges this week back to my hometown of Warsaw. Sister Bąk got to be with her MTC companion Sister Kucher, and I got to be with one of my MTC companions Sister Woodward. It was really good to see her again and especially work together. Sometimes I forget how far we have come. While on exchanges we did a super crazy great whiteboard on old town. Sister Woodward got these huge "I'm a Mormon" posters made in Polish, combine that with a whiteboard and some excellent singing and we didn't even have to stop people, they were stopping themselves! I am going to try to find out if we can get those banners all over the mission. Afterwards we got to go and teach a family that has three baptismal dates; two daughters and their mother. It was so wonderful to teach an actual lesson, and I am so excited for that family to get baptized in May. Honestly the knowledge we have about the restoration of the gospel blesses families so much. I am so grateful for the knowledge that we have.
New Favorite Aloe Drink |
This exchange was a ton of good work, but I also learned so much about being positive and learning not to be too hard on yourself for your best efforts. This whole transfer I have been feeling like it’s not good enough, no matter how hard we worked that day. Let's just say that is not helpful or constructive at all. Exchanges helped me begin to change my perspective that when we do what we can, the Lord is happy with our efforts not disappointed because it was just another day!
We are truly blessed to have the lives, the opportunities, that we do. I find myself thinking of my upbringing in such a loving gospel centered home, surrounded by amazing grandparents, friends, neighbors. Please stop and take a moment to be grateful and realize the blessings we have been given. My patriarchal blessing talks about counting my blessings and being grateful for all that the Lord has given me, for it has been great. I have not been very grateful lately, and I want to do better. Today I am grateful for all of you and I love you all so much! Have a wonderful week!
Package From Home. Yeah!!! |
With Great Love,
Sister Benson
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