April 27, 2015
Hello Family,

So this week we got transfer calls!!! It has definitely been in my thoughts for the past couple of weeks, yet I still had no idea what to expect. I have just been praying for President to be inspired as to where I need to be. My transfer here in Gdańsk has been an interesting one, way different than I had expected. Looking back I see unexpected growth, hopefully growth that will remain, but I am being transfered to łodz to finish Sister Herrera's training. Well that one took me by surprise. President had mentioned that he wanted to shake things up this transfer, pretty much he rocked the boat in the entire mission, whitewashing multiple areas and changing everyone around, whoot! When he called on Saturday he said "Sister Benson, pack your bags again." I kinda just laughed because I didn't believe him, then he said it again and I was like... "Wait, what, are you serious President." Apparently he had me staying in Gdańsk all transfer on the transfer board until like the day before transfers, he just didn't feel right about it, so he moved me to Lodz and then slept peacefully all night. Well I will take that one as revelation! The hard part is we have been saying goodbyes all week, but for Sister Bąk, not me, because we knew that she was leaving for sure. Sister Bąk is off to my old area of Warsaw II. Both areas are whitewashing. The branch wasn't too happy, good thing I snapped a few goodbye pictures along the way!

It was a good last week here, Tuesday was a great day. We, as in the Sisters, got to teach district meeting. Then we visited Marynela a member here. After that culture night began. My district and our good friend Stan went and rented a squash court and played a couple of crazy rounds of that. I think I am obsessed, so fun. Then we got to eat some delicious Manekin Należniki! Such a good night! We had the opportunity to visit a lot of our members and less-actives this week in the process of saying goodbye. We went and saw Magda in Sopot, Jósef and Irena, Agnieszka and her kids, Ines, and others. I think I was finally able to look back at this transfer and see that I have formed bonds and done good here, though of course at the time I did not know that I was leaving yet. I am so grateful we got to see them all before we left. I will honestly miss this beautiful city, there are good people here.

Sunday the Shaw's cooked us one last fantastic Sunday dinner. A giant ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, brownies and caramel, umm umm so good! Those Sunday dinners were a blessing this transfer! The rest of the time we have spent cleaning and packing, our apartment is a mess. During cleaning checks on Thursday I was telling Elder Shaw, who was checking out apartment, that my wardrobe was really not safe and about to collapse. He was like meh it will be fine, the landlord can deal with it sometime later. Well Saturday during packing in the evening, after I had taken everything out of it and packed it, I was kneeling on the ground in front of the Wardrobe packing and next thing I know.... Booom, crash, smash, and then there I am getting smashed by this wardrobe. I somehow busted through the back on the other side in the process haha, otherwise it would have flattened me like a bug. Super funny picture and video of that one!

I really look forward to this next transfer, of course there are some nerves of moving, yet mostly anticipation. I think I definitely learned some things that I can do better in my next area. Lodz has a beautiful branch and I am excited for the great missionaries that will be with me in that area.
I can say this transfer I learned to trust in God (trust is more than just believing, it is allowing your actions to reflect that belief you hold). Also I learned that no matter how hard my trials are, I am still so so so blessed in family, friends, potential, and so much more. I think I learned a lot of what not to do's haha. I am grateful for my loving Heavenly Father who knows the plan, and a loving giving Savior. Thank you for all of your support on my mission, I love you all so much!
Kocham Was.Z Miłośćą,
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