March 23, 2015

has been so many miracles in this mission right now! My companionship got a
small taste of goodness this week, God gave us a miracle. We received an online
office referral of a young woman who wanted a Księga Mormona (Book of Mormon)
from us. The phone number we had for her didn't work so we decided to go and
just see if she was in, So we hiked the big drive to her student dorm, saw some
crazy wild boars running through the trees right by us (so crazy, I thought
they were bears, it scared me half to death, these huge wild hogs) and she
didn't answer. On Thursday we had Elder's Fotu and Allen come and give us some
training about setting expectations boldly and firmly within the first two
minutes of a meeting and how to tie it all together at the end. This training
laid it down, and I know we needed to hear this training on Thursday not just for
this investigator, but anyone we meet. On Friday when we actually went back to
her house she let us right in and we had this amazing first meeting. The spirit
was so strong and that is probably one of the most bold and spiritually guided
meetings I have ever had. We set the expectations of who we are, why we are there,
what we expect of her, and why it will bless her life as soon as we sat down in
this meeting, and somehow she accepted it. It was such a beautiful moment. I
know that if we would have seen her on Wednesday we would not have been
prepared, we needed to have the training and on Friday night it really payed

Sister Bąk and I spent the morning with one of the members from our branch
here, Agnieszka, who took us to what people have deemed Polish Black Friday,
thrift style. Basically there is this thrift shop that sells everything in the
store (coats, boots, pants, shirts, you name it) for 1zł, which is like the equivalent
of 35 American cents. All of these Polish women, young and mostly old, line up
outside the store and they open up the doors at 9 am. then the rush begins. Mom
and Grandma, you would have loved it. It was eerily quiet, because it's the
Polish way, no screaming like in America, but everyone just went rushing inside
grabbed a basket and then just started grabbing everything they liked that they
could get their hands on. People sort as quickly as they can through the
clothes and then stake out a spot by a mirror and go through sizes and try it
on later. After being open for a few hours the store is usually cleaned out,
and they do it every single Monday! Agnieszka is pretty much professional at it.
Sister Bąk and I barely survived amidst all of the scuffling and frenzy.
Needless to say it was so intense that we only walked away with some Indian
sarii's and manly sweaters to wear at home as a joke. Definitely interesting!
travel to Bydgoszcz tomorrow and then to Warsaw on Wednesday for zone
conference. I am SO excited to see everyone, and of course get another
spiritual boost. Then Sister Bąk will stay in Warsaw for exchanges and Sister
Kutcher will be coming back to Gdańsk with me for a few days.

this week I didn't feel very deserving of that miracle that we saw. I feel like
we have been working, but not with very high expectations or priorities. I am
so blessed to have a earthly and heavenly parents who love me just because I am
theirs, and who want to help me succeed despite all epic failures and pathetic
human moments that I have. God is good!
Love You All,
Have a beautiful wonderful week wherever you may be!
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