May 18, 2015 In a Rush
Hey Fam,
So I sat down at our library to leisurely read my emails and then just barely started emailing everyone back, then the lady at the desk got up and said the library is closing early today and we didn't know so I have about five minutes. We might try to finish emailing from another place, but I am not sure so just in case I will send this one really fast.

Nothing much new to report this week. We had President Edgren come and visit us down in Lódż this week. He took us out for lunch and interviews. That was my first time doing that with President so that was fun! We have also been traveling outside of the city more often to try to find new people and maybe even a family to teach. President recommended that we try to get outside of the city centers, so we have been going to new and far places in search. We got pretty far out with our district yesterday to do some tracting, for some reason I thought that the country would be so much more friendly haha. Literally everyone has a german shepherd guard dog that tried to eat us regardless of the thin fence between us. You could tell the Mormons were out tracting because you could hear the dogs going off in the neighborhood next to us on the right, oh that is Elders Wride and Moulder, then on our left the dogs started going off, oh that is Elders Fogg and Garrett. I am sorry not to include many details but you could hear us tracting a mile away.
So Funny!
Sister Benson
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